13.6.2007 | 17:05
Sanngjörn samkeppni er besta leiđin
Til hamingju HR međ góđa útkomu!
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HR kemur best út í gćđum kennslu |
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- Heiđa María Sigurđardóttir
- Indriđi H. Indriđason
- Arnar Pálsson
- Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir
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- Guđrún Valdimarsdóttir
- Ţórarinn Guđjónsson
- Luca Aceto
- Einar Steingrímsson
- Eiríkur Steingrímsson
- Magnús Karl Magnússon
- Pétur Henry Petersen
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Uppfćrt á 3 mín. fresti.
Thanks for the congratulations, Pétur. However, I do not see this a cause for celebration for the here-and-now, but rather as an incentive to improve in the future. I totally agree with you: Fair scientific competition is the best way to improve on the present situation for all concerned.
As for your previous comment that the Skýrslan „Kostnađur, skilvirkni og gćđi háskólakennslu" does not intend to measure the scientific quality of the departments, I wonder whether you had a chance of looking at the first editorial in today's MBL. The editorialist does use the "report" to claim that it offers evidence showing that HÍ is the only research university in the country.
I could say that I told you that uninformed observers would use the report in this fashion, but I won't
. It does not take much foresight to guess that there will be reactions to that editorial.
Luca Aceto, 14.6.2007 kl. 10:00
You are right obviously ;)
However, like was your original point, quality of science has to be determined in a different fashion altogether. All they use here are indications but indeed many jump on these as some absolutes.
Pétur Henry Petersen, 14.6.2007 kl. 13:46
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.