Skýrsla ríkisendurskođunar (again)

The report offers some suggestions how to increase efficiency in the university system:

 Ríkisendurskođun leggur til ađ stjórnendur ríkisháskólanna, ţar sem brottfall er mest, láti gera skipulega og ítarlega athugun á kostum ţess ađ takmarka inntöku nemenda frekar en nú er gert, t.d. međ strangari inntökuskilyrđum eđa inntökuprófum. Niđurstöđur slíkrar athugunar fái vandađa umfjöllun og formlega afgreiđslu af réttum ađilum. Ţá leggur Ríkisendurskođun einnig til ađ yfirvöld menntamála láti gera skipulega og ítarlega athugun á kostum ţess ađ breyta reiknilíkani háskólanna ţannig ađ framlög taki ađ einhverju leyti miđ af árangri nemenda á prófum og fjölda brautskráninga, líkt og gert er í nágrannalöndunum.

This just strikes me as a brilliant solution to the underfunding of Icelandic universities.  We can just give everyone a 10 and if that is not enough we can change the grading scale from 0-10 to 0-20 and get twice as much money.  

On a serious note, I must say that I am very happy to see such a report.  As others have noted, it is not perfect but it does contain a lot of interesting information that should be relevant to both the universities and the government.


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1 Smámynd: Pétur Henry Petersen

Yep, at the UI there seems to be an incentive ffor enabling all students to pass their exams, as each department gets paid depending on how many students they produce per class. Obviously, the incentive is to pass more and fail fewer. Grades increase and standards are lower.  If now the incentive becomes to get more paid for higher grades, duh.....

Pétur Henry Petersen, 13.6.2007 kl. 17:10

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