Icelandic Contribution to #1 Breakthrough of the Year According to Science Magazine

Thanks Luca for pointing out the Icelandic connection with the breakthrough of the year 2007 as presented in Science Magazine. Yngvi contributed to the solution of Checkers, a story that deservedly caught a lot of attention this year. We also have another reason to celebrate.

Icelandic scientists also contributed to the #1 breakthrough of the year, on the impact of Human genetic variation. This announcement should not come as a surprise as technological advances have led to identification of multiple genes and mutations that affect a range of phenotypes and/or diseases (Note that this result was predicted from the first principles of evolution and population genetics, but the details have remained elusive). The icelandic connection is that scientists at Decode genetics, and their collaborators here and abroad, have been part of this tidal wave of results (of which the web summary provided by Science magazine, provides just a glimpse). This announcement follows the 2005 Science magazine breakthrough of the year, which highlighted evolution in action, across the tree of life (from bacteria to humans).

In sum, we have scientists of high international caliber working here, and should be proud of them. Also, we must recognize the fact that great science does not emerge out of the blue.


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1 Smámynd: Luca Aceto

Thanks for pointing this out, Arnar! I was not aware of this fact, or else I would have written about it too.

You write: 

In sum, we have scientists of high international caliber working here, and should be proud of them. Also, we must recognize the fact that great science does not emerge out of the blue.

I could not agree more. We do have good scientists working here, and I am lucky enough to share my working place with several good scientists at the department of CS at RU.

 It's also true that, in both of the highlighted cases, the research result emerged after several years of intensive work involving many people. To support research efforts spanning a long period of time and involving many researchers we need much more money than is currently available. 

I am curious to see how much research funding Rannis will be able to distribute this year.  Anyway, for the moment, let's rejoice at a good 2007.

Luca Aceto, 7.1.2008 kl. 18:01

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