Ranking of Excellent European Graduate Programmes in Natural Sciences


This report of the  Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), which was released yesterday, will be of interest to readers of this blog. The CHE is a think tank for higher education. Based on international comparisons, they develop models for the modernisation of higher education systems and institutions.

Their report develops a Ranking of Excellent European Graduate Programmes in Natural Sciences (viz. biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics),  which is intended as an orientation guide for undergraduates, helping them find their way around European Higher Education while at the same time helping them to choose a suitable university for their graduate studies: Master’s and PhD.

At first sight, the report looks very well done. I will read it with some interest, and will try to report on this blog. Comments are, of course, most welcome!

I'd like to see a similar analysis carried out for programmes in computer science. 

P.S. In case you are wondering, a search through the PDF file indicates that no programme in Iceland is mentioned in the document.


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1 Smámynd: Arnar Pálsson

Takk Luca

Ég bíđ spenntur eftir samantekt ţinni á skýrslunni. Tvö atriđi vöktu athygli mína. Ein mćlistikan er fjöldi greina, ţótt ég skilji ekki alveg reiknireglunar sem liggja til grundvallar einkunnagjöfinni (líklega útaf Evrenskunni).

"Taken into consideration were those universities with t least 3.000 publications counted in the web of science in the years 1997 to 2004, across ll subjects."

Í lauslegri ţýđing, "ígrundađar eru einungis Háskólar međ 3000 eđa fleiri ISI greinar á árunum 1997 til 2004, fyrir frćđasviđin" (Líffrćđi, Efnafrćđi, Eđlisfrćđi og Stćrfrćđi). Hvernig stöndum viđ okkur hér?

Leit ađ vísindagreinum (articles) á ISI sem koma frá Íslandi (country = Iceland) fyrir tilgreind ár skilađi 2,462 greinum. Ţađ er heildar framlag landsins, allra stofnanna, fyrirtćkja og samstarfsađilla. Betur má ef duga skal.

Ađ auki leggur skýrslan áherslu á ađ styrkur Háskólanna liggur á mismunandi frćđasviđum, jafnvel innan frekar skyldra raungreina! 

"Another interesting finding is the fact that most institutions (33) are selected in only one subject area, 15 in two subject areas, 4 in three and also only 4 in all subject areas. If, even in the relatively closely connected academic fields of the natural sciences and mathematics, only 14% of the very top institutions in one geographic region are featuring three or all four subject areas, this can indeed be taken as an argument against institutionwide rankings."

Í lauslegri ţýđingu og töluvert stytt, "flestir Háskólarnir (33) eru einungis sterkir á einu sviđi (međ einungis einn skóla sterkan á öllum fjórum). Međ hliđsjón af ţví ađ um er ađ rćđa t.t.l. skyldar raungreinar, ţá bendir ţetta til ţess ađ uppröđun á skólum óháđ frćđasviđum sé merkingarlaus."

Bćđi atriđi eiga erindi viđ okkur sem berum hag Íslenskra háskóla fyrir brjósti. Sérstaklega er mikilvćgt ađ átta sig á ađ viđ getum ekki veriđ góđ í öllu, heldur ţurfum viđ ađ styđja viđ og fjármagna sérstaklega ţau frćđasviđ sem geta skilađ Íslenskum skólum inn á gćđalista eins og CHE.

Arnar Pálsson, 10.12.2007 kl. 10:13

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